Fraunhofer Strategic Research Field

Quantum Technologies

Symbol Quantencomputing

Quantum technologies open up entirely new and unexplored applications in the fields of measurement technology, imaging, secure communication and highly complex calculations. They therefore have high disruptive potential. Scientists have achieved spectacular breakthroughs in quantum research in recent years. The goal of quantum research at Fraunhofer is to transfer basic research into applications as quickly as possible, for example in the form of high-precision sensor systems and secure quantum communication.

Quantum physics forms the basis of many modern technologies. Billions of electronic transistors permeate our lives at work and at home, from computers and smartphones to the control systems of modern vehicles and seemingly simple kitchen appliances. Countless photons and optical fibers link up even the most remote corners of our planet. Scientists are already talking about a “second quantum revolution” based on the targeted quantum-mechanical control of individual elementary particles or small groups of particles This will trigger disruptive changes in science, business and society, from medicine, logistics and the financial sector to materials science, IT and security.

In a rare consensus, experts agree that quantum technology is a game-changer that is poised to change the world. Quantum optical techniques can open our eyes to processes and structures we have never seen before. And quantum computers can perform highly complex calculations that would be almost impossible with alternative computing methods. As well as improving our understanding of how molecules behave, this can also help us design drugs more efficiently and produce them more cheaply. Fraunhofer is involved in all the key areas of quantum technology.

  • Quantum imaging: Quantum imaging will have far-reaching effects in all areas of optics. It will eliminate existing blind spots in fields as diverse as biomedical imaging and medical diagnostics, security technology and autonomous mobility.
  • Quantum communication: Digital sovereignty and data security are essential for a well-functioning digital society. Quantum communication takes security to a whole new level. Fraunhofer is currently developing quantum-based cryptographic procedures which will, in future, make it impossible to eavesdrop on transmitted data.
  • Quantum sensors: Quantum sensors offer new opportunities in the world of medicine. Measurements in the quantum world can be performed not just using photons, but also electrons. Fraunhofer is using these tiny particles to develop ultra-precise quantum sensors.
  • Quantum computing: Fraunhofer and IBM are bringing the first commercial quantum computer to Europe as an open research platform. Their goal is to stimulate and support German research in the field of applied quantum computing. 

Fraunhofer Competence Network Quantum Computing

In a nationwide competence network, we want to advance the key technology of quantum computing in Germany and develop new technological solutions and quantum-based computing strategies for applied, economically relevant issues. And we support companies in this country in building up the necessary specialist skills.


International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

Fraunhofer researchers are developing quantum systems for various applications and industries to help us find answers to the major challenges of our time, including those relating to the climate, health, transportation and security.


Press release / June 15, 2021

Curtain up: Fraunhofer and IBM to unveil quantum computer

In the digital presence of Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek and Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann, on June 15 leading figures from Fraunhofer and IBM will officially unveil Germany’s first IBM Quantum System One to the public.  


Web special

Leaps and bounds in quantum technologies

Welcome to the world of quanta, where nothing seems logical, but everything appears possible. A new era is dawning with quantum technologies helping us to better understand and order our world. Fraunhofer is bringing science to applications.


Fraunhofer Lighthouse project QMag – Quantum Magnetometry

The resolution and the sensitivity of today’s magnetometers is insufficient for many future applications. The goal of the Fraunhofer consortium »QMag« is to further develop magnetometers and to test them for applications.

Impact on society as a whole

Affordable healthcare

Affordable healthcare

The results of Fraunhofer research help keep people healthy and make healthcare affordable across all areas of medical, environmental and nutritional research. Smart assistance systems boost the effectiveness of preventive healthcare, diagnostic medicine, treatment and care. Other key factors in public health include nutrition, food technology and effective environmental protection, all of which feature prominently in Fraunhofer research.

Germany fosters a broad and diverse array of medical technology research with a clear emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Examples include testing new drugs in clinical trials, searching for specific biomarkers, developing prostheses that provide sensory feedback and developing concepts for secure data management. Health and care is one of the key areas of innovation within the German federal government’s High-Tech Strategy. The idea is to use cutting-edge technologies to develop effective methods and products to improve diagnostics, preventive care, treatment, patient care and rehabilitation.

Most institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are involved in healthcare research. Improving medical capabilities and optimizing processes are key priorities, but so too is the goal of making healthcare affordable for everyone.

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is superbly placed to tackle this complex task thanks to its interdisciplinary networks and its ability to pool the required expertise. Overcoming this challenge leads to new technological developments in healthcare research.