By continuing the »Pact for Research and Innovation«, the participating research organizations have renewed their commitment to the government to take further steps to enhance Germany’s status as a leading scientific nation. One of these measures aims to bridge the gap between basic and applied research by improving cooperation between the institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and those of the Max Planck Society. Since the initiative was launched, a whole series of research projects have been evaluated and approved by internal and independent experts.
Current projects:
- »CarboGels« Carbon-Xerogel-Materialien für elektrische Energiespeicher
- »AutoRAPID« High-throughput screening platform for physical phenotyping of cells
- »NeuroHum« Neurocognitively-guided modelling of virtual humans for enhanced realism in immersive media
- »GT-4-ET« Glass Technologies for the Einstein Telescope
- »LAR3S« Resonante und Antiresonante Bauelemente zur Formung und Führung von Licht
- »RICIMER«Roman Inspired Cement Innovation by Multi-analytical Enhanced Research
- »MaxwellSuits« Ultra-lightweight Exosuits powered by Maxwell-stress-driven Soft Actuators
- »SAPs4Tissue« Selbst-assemblierende biologisch aktive Peptidnanofibrillen für das biomimetische Design funktionaler Zellnischen humaner Gewebemodelle
- »MaRS« Critical materials lean Magnets by Recycling and Substitution
- »SMARTIES« SMART Integrated Electronic Sensors for quantifying atmospheric transport and mixing
- »CONDOR« Superconducting spintronic devices for cryogenic electronics
- »OptoQuant« CMOS-integrated, micro-optoelectronic room-tem perature quantum-sensing for high-sensitivity magnetic field imaging
- »iFRS« Interferometrie-basierte feldaufgelöste Spektroskopie
- »NEONHET« Neuartige Elektrosynthese für den sicheren und nachhaltigen Zugang zu technisch relevanten Stickstoffheterozyklen
- »TritiumStopp« Permeationsdichte Schichtsysteme als Tritium-Barrieren in Fusionsanwendungen