Cooperations with the Max Planck Society

By continuing the »Pact for Research and Innovation«, the participating research organizations have renewed their commitment to the government to take further steps to enhance Germany’s status as a leading scientific nation. One of these measures aims to bridge the gap between basic and applied research by improving cooperation between the institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and those of the Max Planck Society. Since the initiative was launched, a whole series of research projects have been evaluated and approved by internal and independent experts.

Current projects:


  • »CarboGels« Carbon-Xerogel-Materialien für elektrische Energiespeicher
  • »AutoRAPID« High-throughput screening platform for physical phenotyping of cells
  • »NeuroHum« Neurocognitively-guided modelling of virtual humans for enhanced realism in immersive media
  • »GT-4-ET« Glass Technologies for the Einstein Telescope
  • »LAR3S« Resonante und Antiresonante Bauelemente zur Formung und Führung von Licht
  • »RICIMER«Roman Inspired Cement Innovation by Multi-analytical Enhanced Research
  • »MaxwellSuits« Ultra-lightweight Exosuits powered by Maxwell-stress-driven Soft Actuators
  • »SAPs4Tissue« Selbst-assemblierende biologisch aktive Peptidnanofibrillen für das biomimetische Design funktionaler Zellnischen humaner Gewebemodelle
  • »MaRS« Critical materials lean Magnets by Recycling and Substitution
  • »SMARTIES« SMART Integrated Electronic Sensors for quantifying atmospheric transport and mixing
  • »CONDOR« Superconducting spintronic devices for cryogenic electronics
  • »OptoQuant« CMOS-integrated, micro-optoelectronic room-tem perature quantum-sensing for high-sensitivity magnetic field imaging
  • »iFRS« Interferometrie-basierte feldaufgelöste Spektroskopie
  • »NEONHET« Neuartige Elektrosynthese für den sicheren und nachhaltigen Zugang zu technisch relevanten Stickstoffheterozyklen
  • »TritiumStopp« Permeationsdichte Schichtsysteme als Tritium-Barrieren in Fusionsanwendungen