Intelligent Technologies for the Blue Economy
Protected ecosystems | Healthy oceans | Renewable resources
Our oceans, seas and coastal areas face tremendous challenges caused by the climate crisis, environmental pollution, ecological pressures, human activities and an emotional disconnection.
At the same time, they play a crucial role for energy supply, raw material extraction, climate mitigation and adaptation, let alone our livelihood, wellbeing and the planet’s health.
To tackle this challenging dichotomy, +Atlantic CoLab, AZTI, ENEA, Fraunhofer, IFREMER, RISE, SINTEF, TECNALIA, TNO and VTT started the joint Innovation Platform Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions ISSS. Our vision is a climate-neutral continent through a completely green-blue transformed economy and society in 2050. Our mission is the responsible utilization of our oceans, to harness their potential and create additional value and future-proof jobs in the European marine and maritime sectors. Our goal is to develop and master innovative technologies for a sustainable blue economy to boost the European Green Deal and facilitate an internationally competitive European maritime industry.