Innovation Platform Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions ISSS

Intelligent Technologies for the Blue Economy

Protected ecosystems | Healthy oceans | Renewable resources

Our oceans, seas and coastal areas face tremendous challenges caused by the climate crisis, environmental pollution, ecological pressures, human activities and an emotional disconnection.

At the same time, they play a crucial role for energy supply, raw material extraction, climate mitigation and adaptation, let alone our livelihood, wellbeing and the planet’s health. 

To tackle this challenging dichotomy, +Atlantic CoLab, AZTI, ENEA, Fraunhofer, IFREMER, RISE, SINTEF, TECNALIA, TNO and VTT started the joint Innovation Platform Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions ISSS. Our vision is a climate-neutral continent through a completely green-blue transformed economy and society in 2050. Our mission is the responsible utilization of our oceans, to harness their potential and create additional value and future-proof jobs in the European marine and maritime sectors. Our goal is to develop and master innovative technologies for a sustainable blue economy to boost the European Green Deal and facilitate an internationally competitive European maritime industry.

Using the momentum for innovation and change

The Innovation Platform Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions ISSS envisions key enabling technologies for cutting-edge technological innovations and solutions for sea, ocean and subsea activities. To ensure healthy and resilient oceans, we will create shared infrastructures and data platforms through cross-cutting collaboration. Set on the shores of Europe, we will focus on European ocean activities and cross-link relevant national and European initiatives to form an integrated whole together with our industry partners. We aim for the rapid transfer and viable market uptake of our research and innovation activities into industrial applications within the five focus areas Aquaculture, Clean Oceans, Ocean Energy, Waterborne Transport, and maritime test sites in Europe’s sea basins. This will enable safe, cost-effective and sustainable offshore operations and provide reliable and accurate ocean data for better-informed decision-making by policy makers, businesses and investors.


The Innovation Platform ISSS


The partners of the consortium

Technologies and Application Areas

External and internal Events

Watch our CEOs sign the Memorandum of Understanding and launching the Innovation Platform on 23 September 2021.


Jochen Körner

Contact Press / Media

Jochen Körner

Project Lead Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions (ISSS)

Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
Alter Hafen Süd 6
18069 Rostock, Germany

Lorena Iden

Contact Press / Media

Lorena Iden

Project Development Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions (ISSS)

Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Joachim-Jungius-Str. 11
18059 Rostock, Germany

Phone +49381 4024 486

Katrin  Mögele

Contact Press / Media

Katrin Mögele

EU Office Brussels

Mobile +49 151 41486451