100 years of quantum research

From explaining everyday phenomena such as sunlight, magnetism and molecular interactions to inventions such as LEDs, transistors and magnetic resonance imaging, quantum physics has revolutionized our world. Its basic principles were first formulated in 1925. A hundred years later, we are able to control the very smallest units of matter individually and put them to use in specific applications – such as computers that can solve complex problems, highly secure communication and extremely precise measurements in diagnostics or materials research.

Analysts have stated that quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum sensor technology could reach a market value of up to two trillion US dollars by 2035. Just as the foundation of quantum physics a century ago changed our understanding of the world forever, so too are current developments in quantum technologies likely to fundamentally change the world itself. For this reason, the United Nations has declared 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

Fraunhofer researchers are developing quantum systems for various applications and industries to help us find answers to the major challenges of our time, including those relating to the climate, health, transportation and security.

Quantum technologie


Quantum Sensing and Imaging

Quantum sensing and imaging make it possible to take measurements at the highest level of precision. Fraunhofer conducts research into practical applications for areas including medicine and industry.


Quantum Communications

Quantum communication promises tap-proof data transmission. Fraunhofer is researching quantum cryptographic processes to improve the security of digital communication in many areas. 


Quantum Computing

To enable quantum computers to realize their full potential in practice, Fraunhofer institutes are conducting research into solving existing hardware and software problems.


Knowledge Transfer / Recruiting

Fraunhofer supports a sound knowledge base for decision-makers, developers, researchers and students.



LASER World of Quantum
June 24-25, 2025 | Messe München

Quantum Effects
October 7-8, 2025 | Messe Stuttgart

Fraunhofer Quantum Lab
Fraunhofer IAO

Quantum Brunch
January 31-July 11, 2025 | Fraunhofer IPA

Events Quantu BW

Fraunhofer Strategic Research Field Quantum Technologies

Networks and Collaborations


Fraunhofer Competence Network Quantum Computing

The Fraunhofer Competence Network stands for the development of a quantum ecosystem and for intensive networking — within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as well as with partners and customers from research and industry. The participating Fraunhofer institutes serve a broad spectrum of application fields, including logistics, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, the financial and energy sectors, materials science, IT security technologies and many more. The network’s services are aimed not only at beginners who want to find out about quantum computing in general and make initial contacts, but also at experts who are seeking partners for specific research questions and projects.


Easy access to scalable manufacturing processes for industry and research

Quantum and neuromorphic computing require customized microelectronics as well as scalable manufacturing and integration processes. The Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) — Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing Modules (FMD-QNC) links research structures to create industrial pilot lines. It offers researchers and companies technology consulting, manufacturing services and access to equipment.


Munich Quantum Valley

Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) promotes quantum science and quantum technologies in Bavaria with the primary goal of developing and operating competitive quantum computers. It connects research, industry, funding sources and the public, encouraging efficient knowledge transfer from research to industry, establishing a network with international reach and providing education opportunities for schools, universities and companies.

Welcome to the quantum world

Welcome to the quantum world

Welcome to the quantum world

Quantum physics is not something most of us encounter in our daily lives. Everything we can experience first hand – the big stuff of our macroscopic world – obeys the laws of conventional physics. Sub-atomic particles defy these familiar principles. The laws of quantum physics rule on the atomic scale, where strange things happen. This is a world where elementary particles, atoms or even molecules can behave like particles or like waves. They can even exist in several states at once. Two particles can become entangled, so that one always possesses the complementary information on its twin, irrespective of the latter’s location. This uncertainty about a particle’s actual state goes to the heart of quantum physics. Rather than being in one state or changing between a variety of states, particles exist across several possible states at the same time in what is called a superposition. Nothing is fixed and anything is possible, so we are dealing with probabilities here – or, more precisely, with probability waves. We cannot know the exact position or state of a particle until we observe or measure it, which destroys the quantum state.