Quantum communication applies the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement and quantum superposition, to transmit information in a manner that is virtually tap-proof. The key idea behind this is quantum key distribution (QKD), where two parties share a secure key. Any attempt to listen in on their communication can be detected immediately due to deviations in the statistical distribution. Commercial applications have been given the go-ahead and the first customers are testing the technologies. Pilot projects such as the QuNet initiative link together network nodes at multiple locations in Berlin. Researchers are also looking at quantum repeaters and satellite-based technology to enable quantum communication over long distances.
Where does quantum communication come into play?
Secure communication is essential in many areas: Keeping government and military communication virtually tap-proof is one such example. Banks and financial institutions can make use of quantum communication to ensure secure transactions and data transfers, and the technology can be used to achieve significant improvements in the protection of sensitive patient data in the healthcare sector.