Sustainable supply chains

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Sustainable supply chains are crucial when it comes to counteracting current global challenges such as climate change, shortages of resources, and social injustice. At Fraunhofer, we believe that doing business responsibly and driving positive change in the global economy are vitally important.

The overarching term “sustainable supply chains” refers to the entire process of procurement, production, and distribution of goods or services, taking environmental, social, and economic aspects into account. Sustainable supply chains aim to minimize environmental impact, improve social standards and promote economic efficiency.

They also help to shrink environmental footprints by supporting eco-friendlier methods of production and transportation. This can reduce consumption of resources such as energy and water, along with emissions of greenhouse gases.

Social justice is another area that benefits from sustainable supply chains, as working conditions at production sites improve. The goal here is to ensure fair pay, safe working conditions and compliance with fundamental human rights. This helps to combat exploitation and abuse and ensures better quality of life for workers along the entire supply chain.

The Supply Chain Management Strategy department was created in 2023 to work extensively on the subject of sustainable supply chains. Major focus areas include the implementation of the new German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG), promoting sustainability-related aspects in purchasing, and internationalization of contract award procedures.


You can find more detailed information on these topics here:

The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains

Internationalization of tender procedures

Sustainable procurement

Contact Press / Media

Andreas Kannt

Head of Strategy Supply Chain Management

Hansastrasse 27 c
80686 Munich, Germany

Phone +49 89 1205-3006

Contact Press / Media

Sophia Heckmann

Consultant Strategy Supply Chain Management

Hansastraße 27 c
80686 Munich, Germany

Phone +49 89 1205-3008