History of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft



The Fraunhofer model of performance-related basic funding is created

The joint planning committee for research and expansion presents its first draft report, which generates intense debates within the organization. Among other things, it proposes the idea of the so-called "Fraunhofer model", whereby state funding is to increase in proportion with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's success in acquiring contract research work. This means that research and development work hasto be oriented strictly in accordance with the market.  

Introduction Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag (BAT)

From now on, the pay scale for permanent staff is brought fully in line with the German official pay scale for civil servants (Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag, BAT). This reduces the organization's competitiveness against industry in seeking qualified staff on the market.  

Constitution general works council

In February, the general works council of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft holds its founding session. Rudolf Zapp is elected its first chairman.  

First cross-institute cooperation

The nuclear safety programme introduced by the federal ministry of research in 1971 leads to the first cross-institute cooperation in the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.  

Technical Development Center Lindau TES, 1972
Technical Development Center Lindau TES, 1972

Changes in existing Fraunhofer institutes

The year brings about considerable changes in existing Fraunhofer institutes: new establishments includes the Institute for Non-Destructive Testing IZFP in Saarbrücken, the Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe, the Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut for Wood Research WKI in Brunswick, and the Institute for High-Voltage Electron Microscopy IHEM in Karlsruhe. The latter, however, together with the Technical Development Center Lindau TES, leaves the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in the same year.