ILA Berlin

Fraunhofer at the ILA

June 5-9, 2024 | Berlin


Hall 2 (Aviation), Booth 270

Halle 4 (Space), Booth 240


Fraunhofer Press Tour:

Thursday, June 6,  2024, 11 am
Start: Hall 4, Booth 240

Press Releases


Technologies for the future of aerospace

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will be showcasing nearly 50 exhibits from various disciplines and fields of research at the 2024 ILA Berlin aerospace expo. Fraunhofer institutes are scheduled to present urban aviation systems, satellite technology for quantum encryption, and a drone used to detect forest fires, among other solutions. 


Mini satellite wants to take quantum communication to space

Researchers have successfully developed a design for the smallest system of its kind so far to take highly secure quantum communication to space: Led by Fraunhofer IOF, the project CubEniK developed an ultracompact payload for a satellite the size of a shoe box, a so called “CubeSat”.


Fraunhofer IIS opens laboratory in space

Radiation, vacuum, and substantial temperature fluctuations: extreme conditions prevail in space, presenting a tough challenge for satellite communications. With the Fraunhofer On-Board Processor (FOBP), experiments can be conducted in space to explore whether new technologies are operational under real conditions. 


New architecture for automated production

Milestones for the clean and sustainable aviation of tomorrow: Clean Sky 2/Clean Aviation project "MFFD" shows potential of around 10 percent weight reduction and 10 percent cost savings in high-rate production.


Laser Technology for a Lighter Future Flying

The Fraunhofer IWS has achieved decisive progress towards new ecological aircraft construction concepts. Within the EU programm Clean Sky 2 in the project “Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator” (MFFD), a team of researchers in Dresden provided proof of concept for the chipless joining of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic component structures. 



A new era in space observation begins in 2024 for Germany and, consequently, Europe: The radar system GESTRA, developed and built by the Fraunhofer FHR on behalf of the German Aerospace Center's (DLR) Space Agency, has started its final verification in December 2023 after an intensive and successful test and verification phase.