Fraunhofer Takes a Stand Against Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Violence

Fraunhofer has been a member of the anti-sexism alliance "Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus" since July 2024.

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft promotes equal career opportunities and diversity across all its structures and processes, aiming to eliminate and prevent disadvantages for all genders at every level and in all areas. The objective is to foster a culture and environment that are characterized by respect and appreciation and free from any form of sexual discrimination, harassment or violence.

Sexual discrimination, harassment and violence exist everywhere and take different forms and shapes. As an employer, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft considers it part of its duty of care and protection (section 12 of the German General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG)) to clearly address the issue of sexual discrimination, harassment and violence. We expressly acknowledge our responsibility to protect all employees from any form of sexual discrimination, harassment and violence in the workplace, and we pledge to uphold this role. This clear stance is also reflected in the Code of Conduct of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

To protect employees and provide support for those affected by these issues, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has established various services for help and advice. We encourage anyone affected to reach out to local points of contact if they feel they have been sexually harassed or discriminated against or experience (or have experienced) sexual violence. Employees can reach out to the equal opportunities officers, their managers or the central complaints office. The can also contact pme Familienservice and the central diversity management team at Fraunhofer to be referred to individual advice and counseling services.

To send a clear signal against sexual discrimination, harassment and violence, Fraunhofer joined the anti-sexism alliance Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus in July 2024 and signed the joint declaration rejecting sexism. The alliance is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and EAF Berlin and includes more than 500 organizations from many different fields and areas. The stated goal is to recognize, acknowledge and collectively combat sexism in the workplace, in government, and in many other areas.