
As an institution of application-oriented research, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft attaches great importance to the information it provides customers and the public at large. 



The magazine for people shaping the future



Annual Report 2023

Report of the Executive Board 
Review of Fraunhofer Research 
Financial Report

Publication database »Fraunhofer Publica«

You can approach the institutes and research institutions directly to obtain scientific publications from Fraunhofer research activities. You can also utilize the »Fraunhofer Publica« database for research purposes. »Fraunhofer-Publica« is a multidisciplinary database which documents publications from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, its institutes and their employees. With well in excess of 100,000 titles listed, it reflects the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's entire research portfolio. Around 8,000 new titles are added each year.

Fraunhofer Publica includes the following documents:

  • Books 
  • Magazine articles 
  • Articles from books or conference proceedings
  • Conference volumes
  • Dissertations and doctoral theses 
  • Research reports 
  • Patents
  • Other publications as well as posters, presentations, etc.

The Fraunhofer Publica database has been compiled and is maintained by FhG-Online on behalf of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft headquarters, in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institutes and their libraries.

Fraunhofer Verlag

The "Fraunhofer Verlag" publishes books and brochures originating from the work of the Fraunhofer Institutes or affiliated research institutions and their authors. The publishing list includes all Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft specialist areas. You can order publications here: