Careers with Fraunhofer

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“Careers with Fraunhofer” – Recruit – Develop – Connect

Fraunhofer places great importance on its employees’ professional and personal development during their time with the organization. Yet the “before” and “after” phases are just as important – from recruiting motivated talent to staying connected with former employees who continue their careers in business or science.


Can “careers” and fixed-term contracts ever really go hand in hand? – YES

Though frequently seen as a contradiction, these two can be reconciled by applying the German Academic Freedom Act (WissZeitVG) and the Fraunhofer fixed-term contract policy guidelines. Fraunhofer sets a two-year minimum for fixed‑term contracts and links them to qualification objectives; this serves as an orientation point for systematic career planning, in which the organization discusses development opportunities and career options with its employees.

Transparency and reliability in career planning

Our goal is to boost our employees’ motivation by offering transparent development and career paths as well as systematic career planning. At the same time, we aim to develop the expertise required for Fraunhofer’s scientific and economic success. This is why we provide models for orientation, tools for application, and support for their implementation that is tailored to each institute.