Global partnerships for sustainability in emerging and developing countries
Under the scope of F4D, Fraunhofer initiates and fosters through an inclusive process joint projects and international partnerships, which contribute to sustainable and inclusive development.
Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for sustainable development
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are a necessary prerequisite to reduce the vulnerability of developing and emerging countries to changing conditions due to its positive effects on food supply, infrastructure, health and water resources. Appropriate technologies not only promote steady improvements in living and working conditions, but also help to achieve higher levels of productivity and thus help to generate economic growth.
Fraunhofer is committed to make STI more participatory and inclusive
The international community has a collective responsibility to ensure the provision of appropriate technologies to promote sustainable and inclusive development. Collaborative ventures and alliances with partners in developing and emerging countries contribute to the creation and dissemination of technologies in sectors of importance to solve crucial problems and challenges.
The growing awareness of global challenges, the requirement for globally integrated strategies as well as the need for technology and research expertise in global development cooperation are the reasons for the enhancement of Fraunhofer activities in the area of development cooperation. Our institutes and research units form a network that supports social value, stability and prosperity by providing original research results. The established concepts of sustainability demand that environmental, economic and social aspects should be considered equally and in relation to each other. This manner of thinking is reflected in our approaches. We develop solutions that go beyond the requirements of the present and enrich the lives of future generations.
F4D – an integral part of international development strategies
As one of the largest organizations for application-oriented research, Fraunhofer provides sustainable solutions to meet global challenges with its program »F4D - Research for Development«.
Using technological innovations and solutions to tackle problems in emerging and developing countries, Fraunhofer institutes help to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and support the international strategies of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as well as the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Implementing F4D
The concrete aim of the F4D initiative is to use Fraunhofer technologies in order to find and implement solutions for urgent local problems in the emerging and developing countries. Identifying relevant and appropriate solutions for such issues is only possible having in-depth regional knowledge.
Fraunhofer has launched a first pilot round of F4D starting in January 2016. Via WAITRO’s members – currently about 160 Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) mostly based in emerging and developing economies – a »Call for Challenges, Problems and Ideas« was advertised. Fraunhofer invited institutions and individuals to sketch challenges or problems, which a country or region is currently facing or might face in the near future. This first phase, the identification of problems and challenges, ended with the expiration of the deadline for the submission on March 11, 2016.
In the second phase, possible solutions and technologies to tackle the proposed challenge were identified. Therefore, the proposed issues were announced to the researchers through a Fraunhofer internal portal so that they could formulate and submit solution proposals. Those proposals were then matched with the challenges until Mid-July.
In the currently on-going third phase, project development and financial acquisition is taking place.
Please note that full or partial cost coverage to realize chosen projects cannot be guaranteed by Fraunhofer, since it is no funding organization. Therefore it is not possible to assign funds towards projects within the context of the »Call for Challenges, Problems and Ideas«. Although there is no guarantee for the financing of chosen project, Fraunhofer is willing to help to attract funding in order to foster joint projects and partnerships.
For further information please contact f4d@izb.fraunhofer.de
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is funding not guaranteed by Fraunhofer?
F4D gives Fraunhofer institutes and potential partners the opportunity of creating new co-operations by working in project elaborated by both parties. Only with a composed project proposal it is possible to apply for external funding. Fraunhofer is one of the leading institutions for applied research in Germany and no funding agency. Thus, funding cannot be guaranteed by Fraunhofer.
2. Who applies for external funding after project development?
All efforts would be in vain if no funding can be attracted. Thus, it is important that both parties agree on working together regarding the financial acquisition for project execution. Members of the F4D team assist in the search for sources of external funding.
3. Are the amounts of the pre-financing instalments for the development of project proposals? Does Fraunhofer pay for the expenditures during the preparation of project proposals?
The Fraunhofer F4D team assists in funding identification and proposal preparation, but Fraunhofer is not liable for costs that incur during the preparation of project proposals.