Building a house out of fungi instead of cement and brick? Innovative paths to greater ecofriendliness in construction
Tasty treats from the lab: proteins as a healthy sugar alternative
Course corrections along the way into a new era: an interview with Minister-President Stephan Weil
Digital light for cars and more — Fraunhofer and ams OSRAM win Deutscher Zukunftspreis (German Future Prize)
Concepts and technologies to get the German automotive industry back into pole position
More safety behind the wheel, thanks to the world’s first X-ray crash test
Research can save lives: The world urgently needs new weapons in the fight against multidrug-resistant pathogens.
An innovative body scanner catches knives hidden under winter coats
Fraunhofer spin-off Verus Digital supports museums in the digital transformation
Marie-Christine Ostermann, President of nonprofit Die Familienunternehmer e. V.
Fraunhofer IPA harnesses a new method to lower the costs of cancer treatme
Synthetic organs are being used to significantly reduce animal testing
What counts in legal terms when artificial intelligence signs business agreements?
How much energy artificial intelligence requires depends on various factors, including data quality
Smart prostheses can restore bodily sensation
Using artificial intelligence to preserve forests: analytical software makes it easier to monitor the timber trade
Smart ways to bring sectors together: Byproducts of electrolysis can be used for the energy transition.
Less garbage, thanks to sustainable external packaging made from fungi, algae, oils or lactic acid