Employees at Fraunhofer Employees at Fraunhofer HR management Employees (number at year-end) At the end of 2021, Fraunhofer had 30,028 employees, 21,640 of whom were research, technical or administrative staff (RTA staff), 7,877 were students and 511 were trainees. Due to the prohibition on offering different payment levels to holders of positions in the same salary category, we are obliged to apply the terms of the German Federal Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Public Service (Tarifvertrag für den öffen- tlichen Dienst, TVöD) in individual employment contracts. For management staff in the scientific field, we are authorized to apply pay scale W in accordance with the German Federal Pay Act (Bundesbesoldungsgesetz, BBesG) and state salary laws. Fraunhofer comes to agreements with trainees regarding the application of the rules of the TVAöD. Students are paid according to the collective bargaining rules of the German fed- eral state and receive employment contracts. The employment and remuneration of interns at Fraunhofer is governed by the German Federal Government Guidelines on the Employment of Interns (Richtlinie des Bundes zur Beschäftigung von Praktikan- tinnen und Praktikanten, Praktikantenrichtlinie Bund). In addition, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft also employs third parties as consultants and service providers. The contracts for commissioning these services contain clauses on compliance with the Act Regulating a General Minimum Wage (Mindest- lohngesetz, MiLoG) – compliance with these clauses is explicitly confirmed by contractors. Through its strategic action areas, the HR Management division at Fraunhofer is bolstering the knowledge and enthusiasm of employees, as well as establishing and further developing the ideal working conditions to allow them to flourish. The New Work@Fraunhofer initiative aims to create a flexible, collaborative and customer-oriented working and research environment for self-determining employees, thereby contrib- uting strategically important added value. In particular, this relates to innovative strength, employer attractiveness and resilience of the organization. By the end of 2021, around 40 institutes (with an additional five in 2022) successfully integrat- ed New Work into their respective organizational structures through a series of ten modules (TAKE OFF, SYSTEMATIZE and DEVELOP). The institutes concerned set different priorities, from establishing the conditions for flexible working hours and locations and introducing agile working methods to design- ing new workspace models that are adapted to new working routines. As it stands, a total of around 15,000 employees are directly or indirectly involved in New Work activities. 27,988 29,069 535 7517 30,028 511 7877 541 7827 26,648 510 7225 25,327 474 6888 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Trainees Students RTA staff, total 115 team charter workshops have now been held at various institutes, in most cases coinciding with the institute’s revision of work council agreements on flexible working hours and locations. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft continues to realize its overar- ching mission to transfer knowledge via individuals through its Careers with Fraunhofer program, which is based on a comprehensive HR development strategy aimed at supporting employees’ individual career planning processes. The employee development meeting is and will remain the core element of individual career planning; at Fraunhofer, it is carried out in the form of a development meeting. Individual development planning processes are based on Fraunhofer’s development and career paths (both internally and with regard to conventional next-step careers in industry, academia or self-employment), which are consolidated through defined qualification fields, topics and measures. Team charter processes have proven to be a successful tool for implementing New Work. The team charter tool is used to ensure that managers and employees can reach an agreement on how they want to work together in the future. Around Thanks to the widespread introduction of a digitalized career planning tool, every Fraunhofer institute has had access to a standardized platform to support development planning since 2022. As such, development planning is a clear, traceable, criteria-based process; meanwhile, the electronic workflow ensures that the individual process steps are carried out. At the same time, a learning management system was introduced to serve as a standardized learning platform, bundling all of the training resources available to Fraunhofer employees and making them more easily accessible. Career programs for specific target groups promote the cre- ation of networks across institutes: For top and senior manage- ment, there are the Vintage Class and Advanced Management Class programs; female scientists and female scientific manag- ers have access to the TALENTA program, while young pro- fessionals can take part in the Step Forward program. A new development program designed as part of the implementation of the Doctorate with Fraunhofer code of conduct is available to the supervisors of employees pursuing their doctorate. To evaluate these measures in the context of the overall HR development strategy, exit surveys are systematically conducted with departing employees, in order to collect data on various issues, such as the extent to which they felt they were support- ed in their development planning process. Diversity The aim of diversity management is to create a working environment where every employee can participate on equal terms — irrespective of their ethnic origin, gender, religion, ideology, physical or other impairment, age or sexual identity. In 2021, for example, the Equal opportunities support pro- gram was developed to assist institutes in implementing equal opportunity structures. This core component of this program is the topic-specific workshops provided for the institutes and Fraunhofer headquarters; these give inspiration and create opportunities for dialogue around best practices and peer- group networking in order to drive equal opportunities at the institute concerned. According to the participating institutes, the key added value of these events had to do with the recruitment of more female scientists, the further development of on-site recruiting processes and the implementation of mea- sures by newly formed steering groups. Since 2013, TALENTA, a targeted and holistic support and development program, has been a keystone in Fraunhofer’s efforts to promote equal opportunities in research and leadership. As of the end of 2021, there were 781 female scientists eligible for this compre- hensive support, including career development and research time, and training and networking events; all these measures are aimed at helping them achieve career goals such as com- pleting their doctorates, further developing their leadership skills or enhancing their scientific visibility at Fraunhofer. The program is subject to regular evaluation, whereby the impact of the program is investigated, along with its focus on the needs of scientists and institutes and, as a consequence of this, its efforts to continuously adapt and develop its overall model. In 2021, 72 female scientists were accepted to the program. At the end of 2021, the proportion of employees with severe disabilities was 2.6 percent (compared to 2.8 percent in 2020). The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft aims to bolster its commitment to promoting inclusion and putting additional effort into recruiting, developing and retaining employees with disabil- ities. Since 2022, the Corporate Culture — Diversity section has been driving the development of an overall strategy for integrating inclusion into Fraunhofer’s organizational culture and structures. That same year, Fraunhofer also joined forces with the Max Planck Society and other members of the Alliance of Science Organizations to develop a joint inclusion initiative. Their primary goal is to set an example for inclusion in research and increase the visibility of their commitment to inclusion on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabili- ties 2023. In 2021, the Fraunhofer-wide framework agreement with pme Familienservice covering services in emergency childcare, home and elder care, and life coaching was extended for a further two years. Also included here is the pme Academie, which includes webinars, e-learning courses and tips for living mindfully every day. The framework agreement was expanded in summer 2021 to include an unplanned support package for those affected by the German flooding disaster. This package For years, the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logis- tics IML, which works and conducts research across all fields of internal and external logistics, has been an active member of the Fraunhofer Sustainability Network for many years, playing a key role in shaping the New Work@Fraunhofer initiative. It is not surprising that the IML is also one of the first institutes to have implemented these concepts in its own day-to-day activi- ties. The current works council agreement has laid out the new framework conditions for working at the IML from February 24, 2022. As part of this, the institute has implemented initial concrete measures in selected pilot areas, focusing on the following topics: Desk sharing, hybrid models, remote working options (particularly in conjunction with research infrastruc- ture) and collaboration tools and formats to support agile working with customers. 44 45