Innovation, Sustainability and the Digital Transformation Belong Together — Interview with Dr. Ulrike Tagscherer

From idea to innovation – “At the start, ideas all look great,” explains Dr. Ulrike Tagscherer. The alumna of the Fraunhofer headquarters and the Fraunhofer ISI is now Chief Innovation Officer at robotics specialist KUKA, where she is responsible for a rule-based process. Systematically reducing risk concentrates numerous exciting ideas into a few, so that in the end a new business unit or a new product can emerge. In this interview, the innovation expert shares with us how this process works, why innovation is related to sustainability and digitalization, and what experiences at Fraunhofer continue to play a role for her today.
Dr. Ulrike Tagscherer was the first foreign professor of innovation research at the Institute for Politics and Management at the CAS in Beijing. The China consultant and keynote speaker is also a member of the advisory board of Wissenschaftsstatistik and was recognized in 2024 by the International Federation of Robotics as one of “10 women shaping the future of robotics.”