Press / Newsroom

  • Bits & Pretzels / 2024

    From Lab to Launch: How Fraunhofer Promotes Technology Transfer

    Press Release / September 26, 2024

    © Fraunhofer AHEAD

    A unique opportunity for Germany as a business location lies in deep tech and a strong innovation system of science and industry. Fraunhofer will be demonstrating its expertise in entrepreneurial technology transfer at the Bits & Pretzels innovation summit in Munich, which will be held from September 29 to October 1, 2024.

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  • Artificial intelligence for Clinical Pathology / 2024

    Data-Efficient Foundation Model for Biomarker Detection

    Research News / September 02, 2024

    Das Bildregistrierungsverfahren Histokat-Fusion überträgt Annotationen aus zwei histologischen Färbungen aufeinander
    © Fraunhofer MEVIS

    The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems shows promise in medicine, where they can be used to detect diseases earlier, improve treatments, and ease staff workloads. But their performance depends on how well the AI is trained. A new multi-task approach to training AI makes it possible to train foundation models quicker and more cost-effectively, with less data. Researchers are turning to this approach to compensate for the shortage of data in medical imaging — and ultimately save lives.

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  • Circular economy / 2024

    Fungal Mycelium as the Basis for Sustainable Products

    Research News / September 02, 2024

    Nachhaltig und biologisch abbaubar: Verpackungen aus Pilzmyzel
    © Fraunhofer IAP/Jadwiga Galties

    Fungi have more to offer than meets the eye. Their thread-like cells, which grow extensively and out of sight underground like a network of roots, offer huge potential for producing sustainable, biodegradable materials. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in Potsdam Science Park are using this mycelium to develop a wide range of recyclable products, from wallets and insulation to packaging.

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  • Traffic and logistics / 2024

    AI solution shows truck drivers where to park

    Research News / September 02, 2024

    Die Suche nach einem regulären Lkw-Stellplatz an den Autobahn-Rastanlagen ist ein ständiger Stressfaktor für Fahrerinnen und Fahrer.
    © gettyimages

    Parking spaces are in short supply at rest stops along Germany’s highways. Truck drivers are required by law to observe certain rest periods, so when they cannot find parking, they often simply park off to the side of an entrance or exit or on the shoulder, all of which are very risky. The result is rear-end collisions, sometimes with a deadly outcome. There is great pressure to take action, and quickly. This is where the SOLP project comes in: Re-searchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI are working with partners to develop an AI-supported prediction tool for truck drivers and shipping companies. The goal is to provide information on available parking spaces, both public and private, and make it easier to find parking.

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  • Functionally integrated lightweight design in electric mobility / 2024

    EV Battery Enclosures with Lower Carbon Emissions

    Research News / September 02, 2024

    Aluminiumschaumsandwich-Bodenpanel mit integrierter Kühlstruktur
    © Fraunhofer IWU

    More charging power, higher range, lower environmental impact: In the COOLBat joint research project, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU have teamed up with partners to develop next-generation battery enclosures for electric vehicles. The objective is to make the enclosures, a central component in any electric vehicle, lighter and cut the carbon dioxide emitted to manufacture them by 15 percent. The project partners aim to achieve this by combining individual systems, packing more functions into a smaller installation space, and using new heat-conductive materials and bio-based flame retardant coatings.

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  • Automatic image recognition to identify types of wood / 2024

    Harnessing AI to Fight Global Deforestation

    Research News / September 02, 2024

    Dr. Stephanie Helmling vom Thünen-Institut beim Mikroskopieren von Proben.
    © Thünen-Institut

    The new European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is intended to prevent goods marketed in the EU from contributing to the spread of deforestation. When a wood product is brought into the EU market, for example, there must be documentation of which types of wood were used to produce it, along with proof of their legal origin. Depending on the material, even the initial review of the declared type of wood is no easy task. Paper, for example, requires time-consuming examination by specialists. Now, a new AI-based analytical tool for determining wood types is being developed to simplify and accelerate this process. Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM are working closely with the Thünen Institute of Wood Research to develop the automated image recognition system for large-scale review of declarations of wood type.

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  • Offshore wind energy / 2024

    Mobile Test Platform for Offshore Wind Turbines

    Research News / September 02, 2024

    Windenergie-Anlagen und -Parks müssen die Stabilität des öffentlichen Stromnetzes unterstützen. Deshalb durchlaufen sie ein strenges Zertifizierungsverfahren, bevor sie an Netz gehen dürfen.
    © Getty Images

    Public power grids are highly complex systems. Wind turbine manufacturers have to comply with technical guidelines when connecting new turbines to avoid putting grid stability at risk. In the Mobil-Grid-CoP project, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES have developed a mobile test platform that enables realistic tests to be performed at full load, even on offshore wind turbines out in the open. The technology is assisting in the process of validating and certifying turbines and is supporting the transformation of the energy supply with a view to using more renewable energy sources.

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  • New class of fiber-reinforced polymers in the circular economy / 2024

    From aviation to orthopedics: polymer patch made from dynamic polymer networks

    Research News / August 01, 2024

    Der form- und recycelbare Polymer-Patch kann beliebige Formen und Größen annehmen.
    © Fraunhofer IFAM

    Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM have developed a new polymer patch that can significantly accelerate and simplify previously laborious, expensive, and time-consuming repair processes on damaged lightweight aircraft components. The thermoformable, recyclable repair patch is pressed onto the damaged area and fully sets in just 30 minutes. The innovative fiber-reinforced plastic is so versatile that it can be used in a wide range of different industries, from aviation to orthopedics.

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  • Metasurface antennas / 2024

    Intelligent skin for more precise communication and near-field sensing in robotics

    Research News / August 01, 2024

    Schmalbandige Messung des Verlustwinkels eines Polymers
    © Fraunhofer FHR/Alexander Balas

    Specific physical human-robot interactions are increasingly required in the manufacturing industry, the professional service sector, and healthcare. This necessitates improvements in comfort and convenience as well as in communication between humans and machines. Robots need to be able to predict human actions and recognize intentions. And that calls for flexible metamaterials, and more specifically, flat metasurface antennas with highly integrated electronics that allow for sensing of the near environment. The Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR has teamed up with six partners in the EU’s FITNESS project to develop these kinds of surfaces, which cover a robot like an adaptive, intelligent skin. The idea is that robots equipped with metasurface antennas will be able to scan their near-field environment with greater accuracy and communicate more effectively with their base station in the far field.

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  • Toxicology / 2024

    EVape helps improve consumer safety in the e-cigarette segment

    Press Release / August 01, 2024

    Mit dem patentierten EVape-Prototyp können die Forschenden am Fraunhofer ITEM E-Liquids kontrolliert verdampfen, um die entstehenden Emissionen zu analysieren und anschließend genau toxikologisch zu bewerten.
    © Fraunhofer ITEM/Ralf Mohr

    Electronic cigarettes, or vapes, are commonly viewed as less harmful to people’s health than tobacco cigarettes. And yet, they are not without health drawbacks. For many ingredients, it is unknown how they will behave when heated. Since the temperatures inside e-cigarettes vary widely, different products can be released during thermal decomposition. This makes it more difficult to gauge the potential risks of these tobacco alternatives. Until now, there has been no testing system that could be used to test the ingredients used across the entire relevant temperature range. Now, with EVape, the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM has developed a prototype device for controlled vaporization of e-liquids in a broad temperature range. The emissions released during the process can then be analyzed and subjected to a toxicological assessment. The findings are generally valid, regardless of which e-cigarette the liquid is used in.

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